About Us
A Canadian Islamic non-profit organization located in the Canadian Capital, Ottawa.
Ahlul-Bayt Center is a Canadian Islamic non-profit organization located in the Canadian Capital, Ottawa. It was established in 1993 to look after the social and religious needs of the Islamic community in the city. Since its inauguration, the Center has successfully attracted a large number of believers who are voluntarily providing services to the community through its programs. Ahlul-Bayt Center is not bound to any political party or any Islamic Marja’ia, and attracts members belonging to various schools of thought.
Ahlul-Bayt Center provides Islamic education to Muslims, and celebrates all the Islamic occasions in Ottawa. Some of the occasions organized by the Center include: the month of Ramadan, Ashura, Eid El-Fitr, Eid El-Adha, birth of Prophet (PBUH), Imam Ali (AS), Sayyeda Fatima (AS), Imam Mahdi (AS), and more. We host a wide range of social and educational services provided to our community members of all ages and backgrounds. Everyone has a place at ABIS!
Here at ABIS we strive to serve the religious, academic and social needs of the Ottawa Muslim community. We are able to successfully educate, commemorate and serve due to our elected board members and our many departments including Human Resources, Finance, Communications Marketing Relations Department, Information Technology (IT) and many more!